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22 Valentine’s Day Proposal Ideas

What could be a better way to express your love to your partner than proposing to them on Valentine’s Day? When you find your soulmate, your heart longs to share your life with them and ask them to be a partner for a lifetime. If you want to propose to the love of your life, we have it all sorted. Here are 22great proposal ideas that will take your partner’s breath away. This February 14th,  propose to your partner and begin a wonderful life together.

1. Propose To Them In The Middle Of A Crowd

On this day dedicated to love, kneel down when they are least expecting it and make the whole crowd cheer for you as you ask their hand for a lifetime. Be it a theater or a mall, wait for a moment when your partner is distracted. Then, drop down on your knee with a rose and tell them how much you love them. That romantic gesture is sure to take them by surprise and make them fall in love with you all over again.

2. Propose To Them After A Movie

Take your partner out to watch an action movie. While he waits for the after-credits scene, kneel down and propose to them! The dim lighting and empty hall will only add to the romance of the moment. This works fine even if you are in a group because you will have friends to cheer for you.

3. Say It With Sweets

If you have a partner with a sweet tooth, surprise them with a heart made of candy that reads, “Will you marry me?” You can strew petals on the floor of the room to make it even more touching and heartwarming. Your partner will surely melt and say yes.

4. The Rose Petal Proposal

The Rose Petal Proposal


It does not always have to be expensive to tell someone that you love them. Sometimes, something as simple as rose petal spelling the words ‘I love you’ can do wonders. To make it even more romantic, add scented candles that will fill the air with sensuous fragrances.

5. Recreate Your First Date

To make thisValentine’s Day special and memorable, recreate your first date to make your partner realize that you still remember the day you met. Make sure you book the same table and food. If possible, get the restaurant to play the same music too!Hide the ring in your partner’s pastry and wait for them to discover it before you drop down on your knees.

6. Go For A Long Drive

There is nothing more special than the time that you spend with each other. This Valentine’s Day, take your SO out on a drive to your favorite location away from the crowd and as them to marry you. Make sure you wait for the beautiful sunset while you take out a flower and propose to them to be yours forever. You can also do this under a starry night sky to make it even more special and amazing.

7. At Your Special Restaurant

Plan a date to the restaurant you have the best memories attached to and write “Will you marry me?” on a napkin. Make sure you have a beautiful candlelight dinner arrangement ready when you ask them to be yours forever to make it even more special.

8. Hide The Ring In An Unexpected Place

Hide The Ring In An Unexpected Place


Keep the ring in a drawer where your partner usually keeps their keys. Wait for them to discover the box with the ring, kneel down, and propose to them. Watch their excitement when they unwrap the box and tear up with emotion. Make it even more exciting by recording a video to capture the memory forever.

9. Announce It On The Radio

Imagine being a car with your partner, listening to the radio, when the RJ tells on air that you love them. Make sure your partner is listening to the radio when they announce it. Also, call up the radio after the proposal to let the RJ know how it went!

10. Jigsaw Puzzle

This Valentine’s Day, give your cute SO a jigsaw puzzle but keep one of the pieces. Ask them to assemble the puzzle. Write ‘Will you marry me?’ on the last piece and hand it over to your partner when they are almost done with the puzzle. Their eyes will definitely fill up with tears as they accept your proposal.

11. Photo Album

Make an album with pictures of you both from every special moment of your life. On the last page, write “Will you spend the rest of your life with me?”Watch their reaction and don’t forget to click a photo of them so you can preserve the memory forever.

12. A Book With A Secret

On Valentine’s Day, compile a book of all your favorite poems and stories that keep you both connected. At the end of the book, write a poem about how special they are to you and how you want to experience old age withthem.

13. The Language Of Love

In a notebook, write “Will you marry me?” in different languages on each page. Begin with the language your darling knows the least, and lead up to their mother tongue. Here are the translations in a few common languages:

Spanish: Te casarías conmigo?

Esperanto: Ĉu vi edziĝus kun mi?

Japanese: Watashito kekkon shite kuremasuka?

Finnish: Haluatko naida minut?

German: Willst du mich heiraten?

Italian: lo Sponsered?

French: Veux-tu m’épouser?

Portuguese: Queres casar comigo?

14. Go The Classic Romantic Way

A big box of chocolates with a dozen gorgeous roses always does the trick. If you are thinking of making this Valentine’s Day extra special, propose to your partner the classic way by going down on your knee with a ring. Promisethem to stay by their side forever. To make it even cuter, put a handwritten card expressing your love in the along with the chocolates and flowers.

15. Count Down Love

Convey your affection with some creativity. Make a countdown starting from February 4th till 14th with beautiful cue cards and give them to your special person. On the final night, set up a candlelight dinner and hand them the final cue card that reads “Will you marry me?”

16. Snow Proposal

There is something very romantic about cold places that make it snuggly for couples. Take your special one skiing, pretend to stumble, then pull out a ring and ask them to marry you. They will be pleasantly surprised, and this will be the coolest proposal ever.

17. The Big Surprise

Turn the whole room into a romantic den with tea lights, scented candles, fairy lights, photographs, and roses. When your unprepared partner enters the room on Valentine’s Day, let them go round the room before asking them to be yours forever. The beautiful ambiance will surely get you both close and snuggle to start a beautiful life together.

18. Charm Your Partner

Buy them a dashing outfit and ask them out on a romantic date. After dinner, take them out under the stars and ask them to hold your hand forever. They might be taken by surprise and blush at the gesture, but they will surely not be able to reject the proposal.

19. Morning Surprise

Instead of waiting for a romantic dinner, surprise them in the morning by asking them to be yours forever. As surprised as they may be, the whole day will turn special as you spend the rest of Valentine’s Day as a fiancé.

20. Recreate Your First Kiss

Recreate Your First Kiss


Take them to the place where you first kissed and recreate the scene on Valentine’s Day to propose to them to be your loving spouse forever. The romantic gesture and nostalgia will pave the building way for your happily married life.

21. Arrange A Scavenger Hunt

Organize a romantic scavenger hunt for your SO on Valentine’s Day. You can hide the clues inside your house or all over the city in places that hold special meaning for both of you. You can also make the hints sexy and cute to spice things up and make the special day even more memorable.

22. Ask Them While Doing Chores

There’s nothing more comforting than going about your day-to-day chores with the love of your life. So, bust out your proposal when you both are doing the laundry and turn a regular moment into a magical one. After all, there is nothing more extraordinary than the ordinary.

I hope these proposal ideas inspired you to start the next chapter of your life this Valentine’s Day. Proposing to the love of your life is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Make sure you do it right the first time around!

The post 22 Valentine’s Day Proposal Ideas appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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