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So its been a tiring time here.

I've been trying to get some work done my phD at the moment and it's not going well! I am so distracted today. I have about 6,000 / 100,000 words done! To be fair - I have 6 years to do this over but even so!
I've been going out to the college to try and find my way around. Nottingham University is massive compared to the universities I have been with before. I've managed to find the students union building and the library but thats about it. I know there are meant to be a load of different places and things to look at but frankly, I've found enough so far! I love the library though. I am quite happy curled up in the back with a book and my laptop. In fact, I should be there today but I took the day off. 
I've been thinking today about how lucky I am to be here. I know I post a lot of stuff like this but this time last year life could not have been more different for me. I do miss Ireland but I don't regret my decision to leave at all. In fact I am going to celebrate my year anniversary with Nottingham next month by getting drunk with my friends.
I do need to make some decisions though about things and while I am happy I do have a feeling that something is going happen soon. I'm not sure what though! I am sure the universe wont be long in letting me know. I think it has something to do with my flat....hmm....
I do know one thing is for sure - I need to go back to the doctor about my hip. I damaged it in the car accident about a year ago and it has never healed correctly. However, last week I re-twisted it and I am in so much pain over it. So I need to go and get seen to and see if there is anything they can for me. I cant keep going on like this. It's so bad that I struggle to get up the stairs at work now! I'm going to mention that Galway hospital had a look at it in a proper scan but never bothered to give me the results despite me calling them several times as requested. Useless people. I don't have a lot of love for that place.
I hope I have more news for you the next time I write as its been a while since I updated my diary thing on this. Who knows what will happen next!?!? All I know is - its time for me to go to the shop to get the dinner sorted. Glamourrrrrrrrrr as always.*

*For those who care my dinner shall be gluten free pasta with pesto sauce and some diet coke because I cant be arsed today!!!!

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