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Karl Lagerfeld's favorite mistress spoke about her relationship with him, Wladimir Klitschko and Prince Harry

2 years in the media write about a love triangle Evelyn Samsonchik, Wladimir Klitschko and Prince Harry.

19 year old Ukrainian supermodel these two years did not comment on the relationship with the star men. And recently signed exclusive contract with a global brand Chanel, gave an interview to Ukrainian TV channel 1 +1 and the local newspaper Varosh (as in Hungarian means - city), his native city of Uzhgorod, which told him the whole truth.

Today, she is studying at the Lviv State University of Physical Culture as "a physical education teacher." He says that if the model does not work, then do not mind working in the school. After the third year, during practice, I felt as a teacher quite organically.

After the end of the "Bachelor" is planning to enter the Master's abroad. Also in the plans to "tighten" the American language and enroll in courses cinematic, as the movie - it's an old childhood dream Evelyn.

Belle speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, English, French and Italian. As for the modeling career, the age limit does not put himself so far. He says he trusts the fate and life. Evelyn told us about the everyday life of workers in Paris, the favorite corners in Uzhgorod, relationships with parents, and fans of the beloved.

Evelina where you live today: in Uzhgorod, Lviv, Paris or Milan?

- In Uzhgorod, of course. This is my home, where my parents live and friends. Even when I go to the city, then take with a small suitcase and know exactly what to wear Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. More than 5 days I bring things never take. In Paris and Milan, I'm only on work.

- When friends come to you from other cities in Ukraine, or show them the world in Uzhgorod?

- They're trying to come in May, when the cherry blossoms, to see the city in all its glory.

My brother entered the magistracy of Tourism, therefore, before the arrival of friends, always makes me the route. I love being in the center of the city and in the countryside. I was only two months in Paris, but when crossed the Hungarian border, on the way home, I like a stone from the shoulders down (ed. - smiles). I already wanted to see my parents, friends, boyfriend.

Evelyn Nevitsky on the tower of the castle, near Uzhgorod

- With a guy? He is from Uzhgorod? But what about those conversations online about Vladimir Klitschko and Prince Harry.
- It's just talk. I certainly intersect with them, talk, but no more. So take it with a smile. Yes, sometimes, it affects me, but as said, my friend - a journalist: they must always something to write about. So I try not to pay attention to it. After all, journalists have something to live for (ed. - smiles).

- A family is reacting to such gossip?

- They are closely watching all the press reports concerning me and the first time even asked again about every rumor and coincidence is not it? But now it is well understood, so it's OK.

- How are these rumors Men: Mr and Harry?

- I do not know, to be honest. Maybe they talk about their press - agents, and possibly not (ed. - smiles).

- Tell me about your modeling career?

- Really my career nachalps in Milan. I worked there for 16 years, has found a lot of good friends. Then he even went to them with my brother. Although Milan was not as interesting as Rome. That is - fashion network. Today, I work exclusively with Chanel.

- How do you adjust yourself? It's not just a display of some little-known brand ...

- It's all self-discipline. I think that the sport has given me a lot in this regard, because it is, and physical development, and psychological, and moral and discipline. Therefore sport gave me a good base and actually made me.

- You're still doing gymnastics?

- Unfortunately, no. Just keep fit. In fact, to have to deal with a lot of time, and now I have it not at all, so I just keep fit. I began gymnastics at age 4 and gone - in 18 years. Therefore, we can say that I was a good school and a great sport and life.

- You want to "pull" the U.S. and enroll in kinokursy. This means that the goal - Hollywood?

- Yes, that's exactly what I want. I think the main thing - it's a wish. A year ago, I even could not imagine that I would work in Paris with Chanel. So no one knows what a chance and what opportunities I will be in 2-3 years.

- Who you adjust so easily and naturally to live?

- Parents. It's all education. Up to now, mom keeps me strong gloves and controls at all times. And I think that's good. My mother - the authority for me.

My mother Evelyn, known athlete. She has appeared in the Soviet team and Ukraine in the women's 800 meters.

- This year you met many successful and famous people. How was the experience of communicating with them?

- They are very simple and pleasant people. Of course, I understand what they have achieved in my life, but I behave at all times and with all free. If they feel some stiffness, and then they shall treat me differently. Here, I also help parents set. Family - is my authority. And I'm proud of it.

Evelyn and Milla Jovovich

- media write about your familiarity with the genius Lagerfeld. Tell us about it and in fact, the familiarity.

- We met after a week of my time in Paris. I sewed on the dress with a plain fabric, I was followed, watched, as I am myself, have time to do all the time or not. And then I say, "Are you looking for Carl." It was quite simple and very nice person. Although he and his outfit really - perfect. It's easy to communicate.

- In the modeling business, you have girlfriends?

- Yes! Many people have asked me about colleagues - envy. There is a certain element of competition. But sometimes it does not make sense. For example, Kenzo looking for models with an Asian appearance, and what can I do if I have it Slavonic (ed. - smiles).

Evelyn and Miranda Kerr

Girls, in fact, everything is very nice. There are those who, for 15, and is also on the 25 years, but no one is offended and does not demean the opposite - help, support. There is no meanness. And not only in Europe. I worked in the winter of this year at the Fashion Week in Ukraine - same here - all friendly, affable.

- How do feel about travel: plan them in detail or let the occasion of their form?

- If it's work-related trips, everything planned out to the minute. If a holiday with friends and family - it's always all spontaneous and very interesting. Parents trust me at 100%, are well aware of my friends, so the problems with travel is never created.

- You have a large wardrobe?

- Yeah, pretty big. I still difficult to find the style, because I love the classic and sportswear, and casual design. I have a lot of different things. Therefore, I have something to wear but hard to combine. If we talk about brands, I dress in masmerketi as H & M, Zar, they are low cost and very comfortable. For formal events, I use branded clothes. Prefer Chanel.

- Many models eventually become designers.

- Yes, because they see, and many already know what to do and how. But I have no such plans. Although the lessons of algebra I always drawing girls in a notebook. I must confess that I draw is just awful (ed. - laughs).

- You're in Uzhgorod not had time to work?

- In time, in a restaurant Fan Fan (at 15 she became the advertising "face" of the French restaurant). She worked as a waiter in the summer vacation, then the kitchen. So I know the restaurant business from the ground up. And draila floors and hood. It's a good experience.

- Are you good cook?

- My parents and friends to enjoy (ed - smiles).

- Where are you planning to live?

- In Uzhgorod.(Oujhorod) I love this city. Even in Lviv me hard to sustain for days. Uzhgorod - more open.

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