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Striped Shirt (similar)// Blue Cashmere Sweater (on sale now for $99, comes in other colors)

This is the last lately post before Christmas! Can you all even believe it? Where did fall go? Where did December go? Heck, where did 2019 go?! I'm perpetually amazed by how quickly time flies. I know I am going to blink and our wedding day will be here. Craziness!!!

This week was pretty 'normal'. I was already in a holiday-ish mood and felt like slacking off, but I kept my discipline and did not! I have content all through next week and into the new year. I am just taking a break from posting on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day and New year's day. I considered taking off Christmas Eve through New Year's day, but I still get a solid traffic flow each year during this time, and I was able to plan a lot of content ahead of time so I will be able to relax a bit more!

Last night, I met my fiancé downtown for dinner which was nice. It was a spontaneous, last-minute date night and those always turn out to be the most fun! Tomorrow night we have our country club's Christmas party and I am so excited about it- I had to miss a lot of Christmas stuff last year because I had the flu for a solid 8+ days and the Christmas party was one of the things I had to miss. So this year, I am extra thankful for my health and excited for the party- so many of our family and friends are going and I love an excuse to dress up!

As you all know from yesterday's post we celebrated Henry's 2-year anniversary of his gotcha day. We took him to the pet store and let him 'pick out' whatever he wanted. We got him a Hulk stuffed toy that was truly the size of him and it's hilarious to watch him drag it around the house. I can't wait for Christmas morning because I spoil him rotten and fill his stocking to the brim- he gets so excited about all of the toys!!!

Wearing: I have been wearing this  Blue Cashmere Sweater non-stop. It's so soft and I love the cut of it. It also comes in gray and a pretty pink. 

Eating: I got these lightly breaded 'chicken chunks' from Costco because I read somewhere that they taste similarly to Chik-Fil-A. They're organic and pretty 'clean' and it's nice to have them on hand for a quick and easy meal. However, they do not taste like CFA nuggets at all! I thought it was too good to be true, ha! They are good, don't get me wrong, but definitely not on CFA's level. They're great to throw on salads.
Eating II: This almond danish from Trader Joe's is truly one of the best things I have ever eaten. Ever. So flavorful, so light, YUM! It would be a great thing to snag and serve on Christmas morning... it's definitely an indulgence! 

Drinking: I love Palomas so when I saw this pomegranate ginger Paloma recipe, I knew I had to bookmark it. It's so pretty for Christmastime, too! 

Reading: If you are a Father of the Bride fan like me, then you'll want to check out this article. It's about 2 years old, but it was such a good read. 
Sale-ing: Our family friends gave us the sweetest wedding gift: Christmas plates! We didn't register for them and we still have a while before our shower or the wedding so it was such a fun surprise! I love them! They are on sale right now if you want to snag a really nice gift for someone- we have been using the dishes and mugs non-stop! 

 Have you all watched anything good? I need a good binge-worthy show to watch over the holidays when I give myself a little more time to relax! I just finished The Crown and I thought it was good but not as good as the previous season. 

Listening: My sister introduced me to the Spotify Christmas jazz station and I am hooked. It's really good and great for if you are hosting a dinner party. 

Loving: I always love Google's year in search

Wanting: This metallic cable knit sweater
is classic yet unexpected. I LOVE it for a casual new year's outfit. You could even dress it up with a skirt or fun pants! Right now it's 40% off. This is a pricey sweater but wow do I love the sweet little ruffle turtleneck. 

Pittsburgh-ing: I love following the news about the proposed Hyperloop- I really hope it happens- how cool!

Quoting: 'And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.' Luke 2:14 // See more of my favorites, here. 

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