In the SBS entertainment program Running Man, which aired on the 23rd, 86-year-old tiger belt Eun Hyuk, Bae Seulgi and Hong Soo-ah appeared.
Kim Jong Kook is surprised to say, "Are you married?"
Yoo Jae-seok says, "Why did not you call?"
Bae said, "There are many people who have not been able to contact me because they have lost their mobile phones." He said, "I went to the wedding even if I did not receive Wedding ceremony invitation."
Yoo Jae-seok tried to get out of the filming scene asking the members to proceed without hiding his red ears.
However, Bae Se-gi pointed out that "there are some children who have not sent them," and the members criticized Yang Se-chan.
Photo Sources SBS entertainment program 'Running Man'
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