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Is a powerful motivator in life. Many things we do in life, if not all, are just so that we are acknowledged. There are people who say, I don't give a damn on what the rest thinks, but seriously, how many of us are capable of doing that? Easier said than done to me. The things that we do everyday, consciously or subconsciously or maybe to some unconsciously, I feel are somehow to get some degree of acknowledgement

The clothes that we wear, how hard we work or study, how diligent we practise for a sport? Why do we try so hard? Clothes, we want to look good and impress the opposite sex. Work or study hard to get good results to move up the social ladder. Sports? Plenty of incentives if you win, gold medal, recognition, fame and endorsements perhaps?

Even in movies or comics, the element of acknowledgement is always being portrayed. Like in Gladiator, the one starring Russel Crowe. Oh by the way, I like many movies that has Russel Crowe inside like Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Mr Cinderella. They are really nice with many values to be learnt like being a family man and loyalty. Anyway, as I was saying, I mean writing, in Gladiator, Joaquin Phoenix playing the son of the Caesar was trying to seek acknowledgement from his father, the Caesar. Caesar gave him a parchment containing four qualities that he sought for but as Joaquin read it he said he knew that he has none of those but he has other qualities that are equally good. He said all he did his entire life was just so that his father acknowledge him.

I must say that many of us try our best to get ourselves recognised of our worth, especially from important people, those who are dear to us. We want to show to our parents that we are capable of things, capable of being an adult and no longer need to depend on them. Some of us try our best so that people will notice our very existence. And often we rebel against anything and everything just to get attention. We create laws and rules to handle rebels when sometimes all they need is some sort of recognition and some channel for them to show who they are. It is irony how the more rules we make, the more rules are broken. Is it true that rules are meant to be broken?

Even I must admit some things I do are merely attention seeking and wanting to be acknowledged. But many people do not really know how to acknowledge someone, me included. This must be one of the most difficult traits to possess. I know of a friend, TJ, who is quite a good motivator I think as he is always saying good things like good job, well done, things like that. Small gestures that make the heart soars. I guess we should learn from motivators on this aspect. Afterall, a little gesture of acknowledgement goes a long way. It maybe can save lives too.

And, yeah, I'm writing this to prove my worth too =) so acknowledge me

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