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Blogging in 2018

When Google announced that they would shut down Gplus, I decided to move to a blog instead of MeWe or another social network.
I had over 1,200 contacts on Gplus, between various Indie RPGs groups and OSR groups. I was quite silent on Gplus save for occasional posts, but I had one or two very productive convesarions per month with various people. That social network allowed me to interact with a network of worldwide contacts and especially UK and US games - which was quite important since I live in Italy and I am definitely out of the loop when it comes to meeting people in person or going to conventions, or even gaming shops. So while I was not posting a lot, I was commenting more and reading even more, basically on a daily basis. I will miss that network when it will be gone.

But I do not intend to work to rebuild the whole thing over MeWe or another social network, or at least not in the very near future.
I started reading blogs - especially related to OSR games - and I started to write my own (this blog, in fact).

And to my surprise, I managed to keep up with a steady 1 post per week since October, and I plan to continue to go on like this in 2019.
It's not the same as Gplus. In fact, in 3 months there were 0 comments (so no "connections"), but a decent amount of readers (even if most of them are robots for sure).
Still, I find the blogging platform to be better than a social network. I love that what I write remains there for others to read for years to come, that I can discover new blogs and browse their archives, that I can search for content, tag mine, browse tags, etc.
This is how I want to read and write OSR in the coming future.
So no MeWe for me, thanks.

Below, is an index up to December 31st 2018 of what I published in the so called "OSR Bible" project. If you come by this blog just now, have fun reading.
And happy 2019!




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